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2021 The Grant Writer's Well
Getting Ready for the Course to Start
1. Welcome (0:33)
2. Introduce Yourself to the Group (2:05)
3. Q&A Group Coaching Sessions (2:07)
4. Schedule Your Time (5:06)
5. Being on a Team & 1:1 Session with Jana (2:58)
6. Link the the Group GoogleDrive (0:56)
7. Ground Rules (5:43)
Week 1: Preparing to Win
1.1. Your Course Goal & Developing a Nourishing Practice (17:18)
1.2. How the Grant System Works (31:10)
1.3. Why do Proposals Win (10:56)
1.4. What is the Grants Process Really About? (2:20)
1.5. Is Your Organization Ready to Embark? (8:30)
1.6. Starting Your Organization's Grant Readiness File (5:17)
1.7. Complete Registrations Necessary to Apply for Federal Grants (2:35)
Week 2: Planning and Collaborating
2.0 Session Outcomes (0:43)
2.1. Inspiration and Dreaming (14:30)
2.2. Your Grant Writing Team (6:40)
2.3 Plan Your Project (14:51)
2.4. Think Collaboration (16:15)
2.5 Plan the Process for Public Sector Proposals (15:11)
2.6 Letters of Commitment/Support (3:11)
2.7. Setting Boundaries and Reducing Stress for Grant Writers (42:28)
Week 3: Researching Funders
3.0. Session Outcomes (1:14)
3.1 Sufficiency (9:41)
3.2 Where to Send Your Proposal (10:43)
3.3 Define Your Search Terms (1:10)
3.4 How to Find Foundation Prospects (23:43)
3.5 How to Find Government Prospects (9:07)
3.6 How to Read an RFP (7:43)
Week 4: Building Relationships
4.0 Session Outcomes (2:09)
4.1 Why Meet Funders & Who You'll Meet (10:38)
4.2 Where to Meet Funders & Who Should Build the Relationship (4:42)
4.3 Role Play (12:08)
4.4 Point of View (12:00)
4.5 Hallmarks of a Good Relationship (13:52)
4.6 Questions to Ask a Program Officer and vice versa (3:53)
4.7. Week 4 Q&A with Aigbokhan Aloja Airewele sharing about his relationship building approach (47:05)
Week 5: Telling Your Story & Writing Your Introduction
5.0 Session Outcomes
5.1 Regi Carpenter's Tedx Talk
5.2 Intro & Regina's Story (12:46)
5.3 Listening to Your Stories (32:26)
5.4 Before you think about writing....
5.5 Intro to Writing (26:55)
5.6 Writing Your Introduction (11:19)
Week 6: Writing Your Needs, Goals & Objectives Sections
6.1 Writing Your Needs Section (26:57)
6.2. Writing Your Goals Section (3:23)
6.3 Writing Your Objectives Section (9:19)
6.4 State & Federal Objectives (4:11)
Week 7 - Methods through the End
7.1 Methods (9:24)
7.2 Plan of Action/Timelines (4:23)
7.4 Evaluation (12:01)
7.5 Logic Models (2:30)
7.6 Budget (25:50)
7.7 Sustainability Plans (1:31)
7.8 Dissemination Plan (2:28)
7.9 Personnel/Organizational Capacity (5:05)
Week 8 - Finishing Touches & Review
8.1 Executive Summary (1:12)
8.2 Layout (11:39)
8.3 Letters of Interest (3:21)
8.4 Review Process (5:46)
8.5 Final Thoughts (6:18)
Review Session (146:45)
4.0 Session Outcomes
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